Learn Haemodynamics
The jigsaw




With the USCOM we can measure the various components of the circulation and make sense of the overall haemodynamic picture. No one piece of information can give us the complete answer to exactly what is going on in any given patient. We need to look at the complex interplay of CO, SVR, DO2, BP and much more. “Is DO2 normal or abnormal?” is a question central to understanding haemodynamics. A normal DO2 keeps us alive; an abnormal DO2 is a very real threat to life, be it high or low!

However the fundamental question we must ask is “what are the tissues asking for and why?” Quantitative haemodynamics helps provide the answer which will then allow us to understand the underlying physiology or Pathophysiology. From this we can initiate rational and appropriate treatment and monitor the effects that treatment produces. Once we have achieved a normodynamic state then we are probably well on the way to ensuring patient recovery!

For more information on hemodynamics see the Uscom website - www.uscom.com.au

Copyright © B E Smith 2009.

Hyperdynamic Circulation
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